Whenever you have a big project that requires heavy machinery to move things around there is nowhere else to look then at One Click Purchasing. There you can get anything from fork lift trucks, conveyors, crane-shovels to freight elevators right at your fingertips. It is easy to find on their website since they organize everything by the groups and class they fall under in the federal supply group.
The federal supply group which goes by FSG is the first two Digits in the NSN number identifies, by title, the commodity area covered by classes within the group. An NSN is a 13-digit numerical value that identifies the “standardized material items of supply” as they are recognized by all countries participating in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The first 4 digits of each NSN refer to the Federal Supply Groups Code (FSGC), followed by a 9-digit National Item Identification Number (NIIN). The first 2 digits of the NSN refer to the Federal Supply Group (FSG) and the following 2 digits in the FSGC refer to the more specific Federal Supply Code (FSC)
FSC 3910 Conveyors
FSC 3915 Materials Feeders
FSC 3920 Material Handling Equipment Nonself Propelled
FSC 3930 Warehouse Trucks And Tractors Self Propelled
We provide assistance for parts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We have an instant response for part requirements for FSG 39, so visit us .
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